
About Liz

Liz Urbina mentors and inspires professional women over 40 struggling with unwanted weight, low energy levels, and chronic health conditions, to transform their relationship with food so that they can lose the extra weight naturally, feel consistently well in their own skin, and achieve their optimum health, without dieting.

She is the founder of the Diet-Free Conscious Eating Academy.

As a result of her nutrition coaching programs, her students enjoy amazing energy, become more active, and feel comfortable and confident in their own skin, in a non-restrictive and sustainable way, while inspiring their loved ones to do the same.

Liz has been featured in the Soulful Speaker Summit, Mujer de Exito Unbounded Podcast, Getting Real with Paula Alphonse show, and the Heirloom Women’s Summit.

Her 22 years of Engineering experience built her love into systems, processes, research, and scientific evidence.

Her own health challenges led her to devote her last 10 years to find a way to take control of her health. Through intensive research, mentorship and testing, she discovered a system to transform her own health, and the health of her family, friends, and clients.

Liz believes that when women prioritize loving and nurturing their bodies and minds, they can absolutely bring their best selves to whatever they want to create in life.

She loves being active and connected to nature.

Gimme a Break

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Morbi egestas mi sed libero vehicula, quis posuere augue sodales. Vestibulum fringilla, sapien quis bibendum bibendum, sem enim eleifend eros, ultrices auctor arcu tortor pellentesque ligula.

Vestibulum vel porttitor sapien, ut convallis quam. Integer ipsum ex, ultricies id bibendum eu, efficitur quis quam. Proin vel ligula sit amet elit blandit accumsan et eu turpis.

Ut efficitur elit mollis elit sagittis, ut dignissim libero varius. Phasellus euismod risus placerat nunc dictum, non pretium ipsum tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed elementum turpis, blandit tincidunt eros. Morbi ac mattis lacus. Integer congue volutpat diam sed facilisis. Aliquam bibendum massa nec tortor convallis euismod. Pellentesque ullamcorper enim et interdum ornare.



Praesent quis metus non quam cursus convallis. Nam bibendum, ante sit amet laoreet lobortis, nisi dui pretium ipsum, sit amet rutrum ipsum orci quis est. Suspendisse convallis interdum libero eu ultricies.


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